The cross, as a spiritual symbol, predates Jesus by several thousand years. Two pieces of wood, held at right angles to one another, have long been used to make fire. As such, the cross was used almost universally in pre-Christian times, usually connected with nature worship where it could be the symbol of sacred fire or the sun. Objects marked with crosses have been found in almost every part of the pre-Christian world, including India, Syria, Persia and Egypt. This process helps us increase our awareness of the deeper associations which we have with both crosses and circles, how they complement each other and how they might apply to our lives.

‘‘I’m not a Christian – I don’t even believe in God. But I found in your session that, for the first time in my life, I could actually begin to engage with the idea of the cross. Thank you for a profound experience.’ Quaker Yearly Meeting Gathering, Bath University.
‘I found the session of ‘Crosses and Noughts’ one of the most profound experiences of this Year’s Meeting Summer Gathering.’ Quaker Yearly Meeting Gathering, Bath University.
‘Thanks for the excellent session. I found it really educational and learned a lot. Most significantly I made a real connection with the divine during the session. It both reclaimed the symbol and moved it forward…Excellent work.’ Quaker Yearly Meeting Gathering, Bath University.
‘I saw there was a session on crosses and immediately thought to myself ‘I wouldn’t want to go to that.’ I then found myself thinking: Why not? What am I scared of? What is it about the cross that I find so difficult to deal with? It made me realise that I really did need to come – and I’m so glad I did.’ Quaker Yearly Meeting Gathering, Bath University.
‘Many thanks for your Session. It was an exercise which was different to anything else I’ve experienced in my time as a Christian. I wish you well with the development of your approach through art and meditation.’ Greenbelt (Festival of faith, justice and the arts).