
My initial thoughts

My initial thought was trip down the River Thames

Back through Docklands with the Docklands Light Railway. Its changed out of all recognition.

See sun setting behind St Pauls from the public rooftop of a shopping centre nearby – possibly with service afterwards.

Thoughts of ‘the gang’


Richmond Park for sunrise!

Sir John Soane Museum

Judy Coffin

Soane’s Museum in Lincoln’s Inn – free guided tour, one man’s incredible collection of art and sculpture, displayed in his home

London walks – I have a very good book. St Pancras station/King’s Cross area/ walk along canal to Camden, Primrose Hill where you get wonderful views of London

Or another interesting area – St Katherine’s Dock, walk along to Wapping, streets of old warehouses (now flats), nice old pubs overlooking the river, lots of tales of smuggling and hangings and ‘criminals’ shipped to the Americas and Australia.

V&A – wonderful courtyard and very beautiful cafe

Peckham (!) – rooftop bar Caroline and Roger and Jo and Eric went there, they can tell you more

Treasure hunt round London – very fun. Hidden City is the company, all clues/answers on your phone. We did one called Enchanted Mirror, which took you round Kensington/ Albert Hall/ Kensington Palace

Roger Cowe

Yes, Soane museum is amazing. Museum of London is good too.

There are actually 2 rooftop bars in Peckham – Franks (where we went) and Bussey.

The Regents canal walk Judy mentioned is good. You can do a walk of London Wall – the route and parts that are still there. And it’s interesting wandering around places like Clerkenwell, trendy Shoreditch and parts of the old City – Guildhall museum is interesting in itself and has a Roman amphitheatre in the basement as well as.

Jo Baldauf

As an Oundle and Cambridge-educated boy, I expected better of your spelling.  The correct spelling is  ‘Quirky’!!!!!

As a mobility-impaired old bag, I find travelling on every single branch of the DLR easy and interesting.  It shows just how much London has changed in the last 20 years. It might particularly interest Fenella to see the changes.

I think they should go to ‘Wong Kei’s’ in Wardour Street.  It’s been there for a thousand years, Fenella probably went there as a student and it is still cheap.  Their Singapore Fried Noodles are the best. I am surprised the place gets as much as three and a half stars on the TripAdviser reviews though.

We usually take visitors to hang out at Camden Market – it seems to appeal to all ages.

Primrose Hill is lovely, especially at dusk.  Maybe someone mentioned that already….

You know I worked at the Museum of London so I am very fond of it.  It’s free and I think the galleries are wonderful.

St James’ Park is nice to walk around if the pelicans are in residence.  They are probably far away at this time of year.

Caroline Coffin

Maltby St. Market is the new Borough Market and venturing down that way through the arches where there are all the new breweries and distilleries is fascinating and fun – Bermonsdey and around there is also a great place to witness big changes in the last decade.

I know you’re not keen on London so you could go slightly beyond the more central regions and go to the Horniman Museum. We took my Dad there – very eccentric ‘querkey’ collection. Think there’s a farmers market on certain days – and great views of London.

I always found the The Old Operating Theatre Museum and Herb Garret interesting. And the Garden Museum would connect you with Lambeth Palace and therefore religion.

There are often really interesting talks/lectures on science at the Royal Institution. Roger and I go quite a bit and tickets are £7.00 I think. I also recommend Wellcome collection and exhibitions.

We did a really interesting ‘wacky walk’  thanks to you! – mainly Islamic history/food in Waltham Forest. And I note they have some other off beat tours later this year.

https://wfculture19.co.uk/WalthamForestTours. Definitely off the beaten track.

Our guide for the above was Abdul Malik Tailor – and he does lots of different kinds of Islamic History tours so would connect with Ray’s interest in religion. https://www.facebook.com/MuslimHistoryTours/

There are so many amazing things to see and explore which relate to science and/or religion but have run out of time today. The Londonist is a great link. Use their search button. I put in science and got this:
